Sep 13, 2017

BARF : Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework

Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework
The analysis of binary code is a crucial activity in many areas of the computer sciences and software engineering disciplines ranging from software security and program analysis to reverse engineering. Manual binary analysis is a difficult and time-consuming task and there are software tools that seek to automate or assist human analysts. However, most of these tools have several technical and commercial restrictions that limit access and use by a large portion of the academic and practitioner communities. BARF is an open source binary analysis framework that aims to support a wide range of binary code analysis tasks that are common in the information security discipline. It is a scriptable platform that supports instruction lifting from multiple architectures, binary translation to an intermediate representation, an extensible framework for code analysis plugins and interoperation with external tools such as debuggers, SMT solvers and instrumentation tools. The framework is designed primarily for human-assisted analysis but it can be fully automated.

The BARF project includes BARF and related tools and packages. So far the project is composed of the following items:
  • BARF : A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework
  • PyAsmJIT : A JIT for the Intel x86_64 and ARM architecture.
  • Tools built upon BARF:
  • BARFgadgets : Lets you search, classifiy and verify ROP gadgets inside a binary program.
  • BARFcfg : Lets you recover the control-flow graph of the functions of a binary program.
  • BARFcg : Lets you recover the call graph of the functions of a binary program.
For more information, see:
  • BARF: A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework (Whitepaper) [en]
  • BARFing Gadgets (ekoparty2014 presentation)
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This is a very simple example which shows how to open a binary file and print each instruction with its translation to the intermediate language (REIL).
from barf import BARF

# Open binary file.
barf = BARF("examples/bin/x86/branch1")

# Print assembly instruction.
for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate():
    print("0x{addr:08x} {instr}".format(addr=addr, instr=asm_instr))

    # Print REIL translation.
    for reil_instr in reil_instrs:
        print("{indent:11s} {instr}".format(indent="", instr=reil_instr))
We can also recover the CFG and save it to a .dot file.
# Recover CFG.
cfg = barf.recover_cfg()

# Save CFG to a .dot file."branch1_cfg")
We can check restrictions on code using a SMT solver. For instance, suppose you have the following code:
 80483ed:       55                      push   ebp
 80483ee:       89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 80483f0:       83 ec 10                sub    esp,0x10
 80483f3:       8b 45 f8                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8]
 80483f6:       8b 55 f4                mov    edx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
 80483f9:       01 d0                   add    eax,edx
 80483fb:       83 c0 05                add    eax,0x5
 80483fe:       89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],eax
 8048401:       8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
 8048404:       c9                      leave
 8048405:       c3                      ret
And you want to know what values you have to assign to memory locations ebp-0x4, ebp-0x8 and ebp-0xc in order to obtain a specific value in eax register after executing the code.

First, we add the instructions to the analyzer component.
from barf import BARF

# Open ELF file
barf = BARF("examples/bin/x86/constraint1")

# Add instructions to analyze.
for addr, asm_instr, reil_instrs in barf.translate(0x80483ed, 0x8048401):
    for reil_instr in reil_instrs:
Then, we generate expressions for each variable of interest
# Get smt expression for eax and ebp registers
eap = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("eax")
ebp = barf.code_analyzer.get_register_expr("ebp")

# Get smt expressions for memory locations (each one of 4 bytes)
a = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(ebp-0x8, 4)
b = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(ebp-0xc, 4)
c = barf.code_analyzer.get_memory_expr(ebp-0x4, 4)

And add the desired restrictions on them.
# Set range for variables
barf.code_analyzer.set_preconditions([a >= 2, a <= 100])
barf.code_analyzer.set_preconditions([b >= 2, b <= 100])

# Set desired value for the result
barf.code_analyzer.set_postcondition(c == 13)

Finally, we check is the restrictions we establish can be resolved.
# Check satisfiability.
if barf.code_analyzer.check() == 'sat':

    # Get concrete value for expressions.
    eax_val = barf.code_analyzer.get_expr_value(eax)
    a_val = barf.code_analyzer.get_expr_value(a)
    b_val = barf.code_analyzer.get_expr_value(b)
    c_val = barf.code_analyzer.get_expr_value(c)

    # Print values.
    print("eax : 0x{0:%08x} ({0})".format(eax_val))
    print("ebp : 0x{0:%08x} ({0})".format(ebp_val))
    print("  a : 0x{0:%08x} ({0})".format(a_val))
    print("  b : 0x{0:%08x} ({0})".format(b_val))
    print("  c : 0x{0:%08x} ({0})".format(c_val))
You can see these and more examples in the examples directory.


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